Trends that Matter: Produce Snack Products

Trends that Matter: Produce Snack Products

All sorts of creative AND tastier and healthier snacks are exploding from the produce industry.  Check out this article on why this latest trend is here to stay and how healthier options for your customers will equate to increased revenue - both short-term and long-term.

Article Highlight:

When it comes to today’s hottest trends in crunchy snacks, what’s in the product is as important as what isn’t. Plant-based munchies that deliver protein, fiber and flavor, and are also free of artificial ingredients, are non-GMO and, in some cases, gluten-free, are resonating with consumers like never before.

As consumers continue to replace meals with snacks, they seek convenience and nutritional value without compromising on flavor and eating enjoyment. The U.S. market for salty snacks alone is forecast to reach $29 billion in 2022, according to the report Salty Snacks: U.S. Market Trends and Opportunities from market research firm Packaged Facts, Rockville, Md.

While still a relatively small market compared to traditional snacks ($20 billion), the size of the natural snack business is $3.6 billion and expanding quickly at 10%-12% annual growth, says Nick Desai, CEO of Los Angeles-based Snack It Forward, maker of World Peas Brand Peatos.

"it's Crunch Time for Better Snacks" by Winsight Grocery Business