Score Super Bowl Shoppers

Score Super Bowl Shoppers

Consumption trends bode well for fresh fruits and veggies as alternative football fare by Gill McShane of Produce Business.

Article Highlights

Nutriton - In the Game

"There seems to be more customers every year looking for a Super Bowl snack that they consider healthy"

"We think consumers are trying to be more mindful about their choices at all times, in particular when cartering to a large crowd"

Produce Champions

"The big game is a great opportunity for foodies to show off their craft, so we makle sure our customers have a variety of fresh, flavorful ingredients on hand for their culinary crations"

"Avovados are versatile and can be served in a varitey of ways on Game Day"

Cross-Marketing Wins

"Get Lemons, Limes, peanuts and pistachios in the beer aisle"

"Consumers are longing to be inspired through cross-merchandising sets"

drawing crowds

"We suggest retailers use large, prominent displays to grab their customers' interest, and to make Super Bowl items easier to find in one compact area"

"If possible, have displays out of the produce section to capture consumers who might have missed the section all together"