Dale's Produce Update
- Feb. 07, 2018
- Market Update
- Good production continues from Mexico’s growing regions making asparagus an excellent item to promote, peak season will hit in the next 2 – 3 weeks (supplies will be good balance of this month into early March)
- Peru will continue to bring in very light supplies of asparagus to cater to local interests (in Florida), Peru is a non-factor though now market wise
- Fob markets steady in the east, out west markets stay at depressed levels good for setting up promotions
- Supplies from out west (Mexico) stay steady, demand remains low with a range in quality but mostly the quality is good
- Market prices stay steady from both the east and the west
Green Beans
- Mexico’s supply and quality remain good with additional production now in play
- Market pricing declined in both the east and the west to levels agreeable for doing promotions now
Green Bells
- Florida supplies stay light in volume due to production slowdowns account of earlier cold weather
- Mexico’s supplies stay steady with new fields producing more # 1’s and less choice grade, demand is stronger (account of high demand from the east)
- Market prices steady to higher in the east and steady out west
- New fields into production from both the east and the west are making for better supplies
- Fob prices decreased out east and in the west, fobs stay steady now
Summer Squashes
- Squash supplies are good out east with the warmer weather Florida is experiencing, windy conditions though are causing some quality issues (scarring) and lowering yields, Honduran imports are continuing to arrive in the east
- Mexico’s supplies are in good volume on zucs and remain light on the yellows (due to white fly)
- Market prices steady to higher in the east and steady in the west